Tap into Your Limitless Potential by Expressing Gratitude

When the fundamental building blocks of life are broken down, a Universal truth is unveiled; Everything is vibration. Nothing is solid. The billions of atoms that make up the organism of self is in constant communication with the billions of atoms surrounding its environment. An inner-standing of this truth unlocks the cosmic code of interconnectivity flowing through all.

All forms of matter exist on a rhythm influenced by sound. The patterns of that rhythm form geometrical figures, determining its molecular structure, all originating from one unified field of energy. The unified field circulates through all, in a collective Universal Mind, which is all powerful, all knowing, all creative, and all present everywhere at the same time.

Some call it God, others call it Source.

Yes, it is true, the Source flows through you. When we tap into the limitless, infinite light of creation and power streaming through all, we see the potential in our existence. We inner-stand nothing is impossible, nothing is out of reach.

But just as all things are vibration, so too are our thoughts. All thought patterns are radio frequencies. If we tune into the radio station of negativity, a low vibration, by perseverating on the illusion of “lack,” our antenna channels that frequency to play out in our lives.

The average human has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. That’s a lot of radio stations to tune into. So, when we take control of the thought patterns we choose to focus on and channel a frequency that fulfills, we take control of our lives.

One of the highest vibrational thought channels to tune into is the frequency of gratitude. When we express gratitude, our genes respond. For example, in an experiment with rice, two glasses were separated over a 30-day period. One glass was reinforced with a positive phrase each day of “Thank you.” The other glass was given a negative phrase of “I hate you.”

Over the course of the 30 days, the rice that was given the positive affirmation was in perfect condition, while the rice that received negative words was black and molded. This is a clear testament to the power in positivity.

Positive thinking alters the chemistry of the body, feeding the cells healing energy; And as we know, like energy attracts like energy. If we vibrate at a higher frequency by choosing to tune into the light of our life and all there is to express gratitude for, rather than narrowing our focus on all things that could be going “wrong,” we open our hearts to the infinite realm of possibility surrounding us.

When we make the conscious decision to rewire our thought patterns to channel positivity and gratitude, we tap into our birthright of freedom and abundance and become a magnet to miracles.

“Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.” – Dr. Masaru Emoto

Breanna Heath