Plug Yourself In

The natural realm is a mirror. Everything around you is merely a reflection. You are the universe experience itself.

Once we align our understanding that the deepest secrets of the cosmos unravel in forms of energy, frequency, and vibration, we will manifest an awareness that magick was never a myth. It has always been here, right at the tip of our fingers. 

Planetary consciousness becomes cosmic consciousness through human consciousness. We are hard-wired to be curious beings, for it is the only way we evolve. Explore. Play with the unseen energies surrounding you. 

Billions upon billions of atoms you are, buzzing, throbbing, absorbing, transforming; And so too are the trees, the oceans, the mountains. Tap in. Center yourself, visualize your vessel as an open stream, the ebb and flow of vibrations circulating from crown to root, flooding your pineal gland, igniting your energetic being in an electrifying impulsive rush. 

Imagine yourself as an electrical instrument. Plug yourself in, and your music will reverberate and pulsate through you into the cosmos and into the hearts of all.  

You are powerful beyond measure. You are the light. You are the healing. You are the source. 

Breanna Heath